Good Health Geek
Health by Science and Nature

Holistic & Alternative Therapies are very effective in treating a myriad of physical and psychological conditions, as well as helping to maintain good health.

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Minerals, Vitamins, & Wellness
There are staggering numbers of people around the world with vitamin deficiencies. Our farming practices have stripped vital minerals from our farmland, which makes our foods less potent in nutrients. The foods we ingest, pharmaceuticals, and environmental factors actually cause serious nutrient deficiencies. Our bodies require all of the essential minerals, vitamins, and electrolytes to have natural chemical processes that promote other chemical processes, initiate cellular repair, and facilitate DNA replication. Consuming certain nutrients can treat health conditions, prevent disease, slow aging, and eliminate anxiety/depression.
Research & Patient Support
Health and medical issues can sometimes be difficult to diagnose. Treatment plans, prescription medications, and medical terminology can be challenging to interpret. How can you be certain a prescribed treatment plan is right for you? Are you at risk of long-term side effects from a medication you're taking? Are there alternative therapies that may be safer for you in the longterm? Our practitioner is available in special cases to examine the details of your medical history, review your existing treatment plans/medications, and make recommendations that you can share with your doctor. This service is available on a case by case basis. Our practitioner can take limited cases.
Medical Intuition & Energetic Fields
In a 2020 study, findings included a 94% accuracy rate of a Medical Intuitive's ability to locate and evaluate the participant's primary physical issue; 100% accuracy to locate a secondary physical issue (86% of participants responding); 98% accuracy in describing the participant's life events, and 93% accuracy in describing a connection between the life events and health issues. They concluded that "trained Medical Intuitives have strong subjectively reported accuracy rates identifying primary and secondary health issues and that their services are positively evaluated in the context of an individual's concerns regarding their health."
*Good Health Geek does not diagnose illness, or prescribe medication.
Online and In-Person Group Seminars are available nationally & internationally (where applicable)
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